Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Just Saying... No Politics Attached!

We know that times have suddenly become hard in Nigeria, so why make it harder by your own terrible reactions. Totally neglecting the place of sanity, fair judgment and excellence.

The pointing finger goes to Buhari. Nevertheless, I have come to know that a person does not make a nation. The direct effect of whatever happening is a result of people's wicked reactions to the nation's hullabaloo.

If Buhari is the SI unit for everything not good in this country right now then so many people I have seen lately need rechristening!

You are a Buhari, if you change the charges on your services that have no direct dependence on petrol. Even if it does, a fair enough addition is worthy.

Madam Business Woman, cash madam as you are fondly called. You bought at the price when fuel had not gone up, you are selling at the no subsidy price. You simply joined the people who have bought at the new price. Yet you consider it a smart move. You are wicked, and your new name is Buhari!

You are a Buhari, if as a Doctor, you want money first without any value for life. Claiming that you don't run a charity organization. Remember your oath!

You are a Buhari , you the lazy Road Traffic Officer sitting down  and watching your duty without any prick of conscience. You jump out like a crazy bull to attack when something happens!

You are a Buhari, you employer micromanaging and as such over laboring your staff. No equipment to use, no motivation and yet you demand productivity. There's a name for you... Taskmaster!

This list quite endless now. So check yourself, check your neighbor, probably check your neighborhood. Let the naming ceremony begin!

Like the title, I am just saying... No politics attached. If Buhari is the SI unit for everything not good in this country right now, then so many people I have seen lately need renaming!


Tuesday, 31 May 2016

#stillonexcellence (something like a poem)

Excellence is a force
that leaves an indelible mark on anything and anyone that crosses it field.
Generating the force field might be herculean,
But it effects resonates very far and very high.
Definitely at high frequencies for kings and not mere men!


Excellence is like a well prepared meal.
Not just a meal for the aroma, but one for the taste buds.
There is stress in selecting the best ingredients, and thought toils in getting the right proportions.
Nevertheless it is worth it not the tummy of the hungry but for the filled in search of quality!.
When hunger is satisfied by quantity, the taste buds of a filled man cries for quality oh quality!


Excellence is a language that everybody appreciates. 
Although learning it my be really difficult.
Those who have dared to pay the price, 
communicate on a higher level.
Excellence is not a language for low men!
Low men have their language... It's called Mediocrity!


Excellence sounds like gibberish to a mediocre mind.
"Just get it done" says the mediocre. 
"Let's get it right" says the excellent.
"It's taking too long" says the mediocre.
"It's worth the wait" says the excellent.
"Just do it" is a worthy advice, "Do it well" is a better one!

Nuel Alabi

Sunday, 10 April 2016

MEEKNESS... Power On Leash!

Meekness is a possible attribute of human nature and behavior. It has been defined several ways: righteous, humble, teachable, and patient under suffering, long suffering willing to follow gospel teachings; an attribute of a true disciple.

Meekness is not cowardice neither is meekness a weakness. Rather meekness is absolute strength under absolute control. It just towing the more honorable path of obedience not obeisance (worship). It is respect not fear. It is seeking peace not piety.

Being meek does mean one lacks power. Being silent does not mean one lack words. Sometimes, we need to keep quiet and watch, not because we don't know or have what to say, but because we want the identity of the fool to be clear!
Silence and meekness is the way of the wise. Even a fool is esteemed wise when he keeps his mouth shut.

Wisdom says there is power in silence. We are not afraid of the person that has spoken. We are more scared of the person who heard and gave no reply!

Once again,

Meekness is not cowardice neither is meekness a weakness. Rather meekness is absolute strength under absolute control.
Stay Inspired.
'Nuel Alabi

Saturday, 13 February 2016


The air requires nothing from you, but it gives you itself totally. You don't need to see it to feel it. The air is everywhere... So is the intent of the Creator for Love; To garnish and galvanize our world with bliss and the air!

We don't need valentine's day or any other day show love, true love is Karios... Simply Timeless like the air!

Love can only be measured by gifts! Yes, absolutely! I don't mean things that money can buy like red roses, pointed shoes, stuffed bears and goody bags. Life's  greatest gifts are timeless, priceless and eternal like the air!

A pure smile,
A reassuring hug,
a warm handshake
A pleasant word
A memorable time shared
A thoughtful gesture
A lifting compliment
A graceful help... These and lots more!

They communicate volumes more than words from the mouth or a card. When words are forgotten, feelings thrive.

How we make people feel when they meet us is superior to what we say to them.

We are not THINKING people who sometimes FEEL. We are FEELING people who sometimes THINK!

Feelings are still the key!

Love like the air... Go timeless, Go priceless, Go eternal!

Thursday, 4 February 2016


The place of Preparations

Your desires and dreams are as good as your discipline and diligence. You can know the success or the failure of your expectations by your daily commitment to it

The romance of your dreams in your mind is not a justification for the actualization of it. Dreams are birthed on the premise of dogma. A great determination is often a launch pad to great accomplishments.

There is so much man can achieve. The potentials of the human mind are simply beyond words. But the delivery of these potentials is hinged on harnessing these priceless deposits imbedded on your inside.

The MANIFESTATION is not as important as the  MAKING. While it is good to dream of the PRESENTATION, stay through to the REHEARSAL. If it fails in the factory, it would fail on the shelf.
Stay Inspired, Stay Motivated, Stay Focused!

'Nuel Alabi