Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Just Saying... No Politics Attached!

We know that times have suddenly become hard in Nigeria, so why make it harder by your own terrible reactions. Totally neglecting the place of sanity, fair judgment and excellence.

The pointing finger goes to Buhari. Nevertheless, I have come to know that a person does not make a nation. The direct effect of whatever happening is a result of people's wicked reactions to the nation's hullabaloo.

If Buhari is the SI unit for everything not good in this country right now then so many people I have seen lately need rechristening!

You are a Buhari, if you change the charges on your services that have no direct dependence on petrol. Even if it does, a fair enough addition is worthy.

Madam Business Woman, cash madam as you are fondly called. You bought at the price when fuel had not gone up, you are selling at the no subsidy price. You simply joined the people who have bought at the new price. Yet you consider it a smart move. You are wicked, and your new name is Buhari!

You are a Buhari, if as a Doctor, you want money first without any value for life. Claiming that you don't run a charity organization. Remember your oath!

You are a Buhari , you the lazy Road Traffic Officer sitting down  and watching your duty without any prick of conscience. You jump out like a crazy bull to attack when something happens!

You are a Buhari, you employer micromanaging and as such over laboring your staff. No equipment to use, no motivation and yet you demand productivity. There's a name for you... Taskmaster!

This list quite endless now. So check yourself, check your neighbor, probably check your neighborhood. Let the naming ceremony begin!

Like the title, I am just saying... No politics attached. If Buhari is the SI unit for everything not good in this country right now, then so many people I have seen lately need renaming!


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