Saturday, 13 February 2016


The air requires nothing from you, but it gives you itself totally. You don't need to see it to feel it. The air is everywhere... So is the intent of the Creator for Love; To garnish and galvanize our world with bliss and the air!

We don't need valentine's day or any other day show love, true love is Karios... Simply Timeless like the air!

Love can only be measured by gifts! Yes, absolutely! I don't mean things that money can buy like red roses, pointed shoes, stuffed bears and goody bags. Life's  greatest gifts are timeless, priceless and eternal like the air!

A pure smile,
A reassuring hug,
a warm handshake
A pleasant word
A memorable time shared
A thoughtful gesture
A lifting compliment
A graceful help... These and lots more!

They communicate volumes more than words from the mouth or a card. When words are forgotten, feelings thrive.

How we make people feel when they meet us is superior to what we say to them.

We are not THINKING people who sometimes FEEL. We are FEELING people who sometimes THINK!

Feelings are still the key!

Love like the air... Go timeless, Go priceless, Go eternal!

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