Friday, 29 June 2018


So You Call Yourself A Father?!
You have children whose identities are confused because you are still guessing your own destiny... Don't you know they will end up drawing from you?

At birth you have no word and no clue what they will become or why they have been sent to earth. This is because, you have no connection to "Abba" the source through which all things come.

So You Call Yourself a Father?!
You gave your children names not out of any deep intuition or spiritual interpretation but because it "Sounds nice", it's your favourite Celeb's name or the name of the city where the " action" took place. Really?!

So You Call Yourself A Father?
Your children grew up in other people's hands. You have no time, no input and definitely no relationship with your children.

Well, I think you had some kind of twisted relationship... Like when you wanna send them on an errand, when you wanna scold them for something they did wrong or when you are generally in a "good mood"

So You Call Yourself A Father?
When everything your children know, they learnt from others... They learn from siblings, friends, teachers, novels, movies and other people's fathers.

You have NO direct or intentional contribution to the education or growth of your children Physically, Socially, Mentally and Emotionally.

Yeah, you pride yourself in the fact that you paid their school fees, clothe them, feed then and house them.

Sorry sir, strangers do that for other strangers in refugee camps!

So You Call Yourself A Father?!
When your child cannot make a mistake. Every mistake looks like a pit of eternal damnation to you. You judge their past and conclude their future from one little mistake in the present.

Your children look at you and they can't see love  in your eyes. Little wonder, they can't believe God is a loving father. Since they have no physical representation of Him in you.

All they know is a Thor... A thunder-striking, axe-bearing, big muscle-chested, deep-voiced guy who bosses everyone around...including mummy (unfortunately sometimes)

Father oh... Father indeed!
You have not loved, mentored, supported or assisted the child in anyway. You even make mockery of anything he tries to do. You make him feel bad he is trying to do anything at all.

Hmm... It is either that your mind has not shifted to fact that your little boy is growing to being a man or your ego cannot accommodate another man in the territory....

So You Call Yourself a Father?!
Support the child... You won't!
Release the child... No way!

Then you clip his wings, tie him down, you frustrate him, you even distract him, you make his labour harder.

His path you have not cleared for him, he is trying to clear it for himself; your are not assisting and yet you are not leaving him alone. You burden him with your numerous requests and nevertheless brandishing in his eyes your own achievements.

So You Call Yourself A Father?!
You are happy being the Lord of all...
The most celebrated... Receiving all the accolades...
Everything is yours...
My TV, My Car, My House, My Company, My Platform, My Territory, My Culture, My every thing... Well done sir! Let's all worship you! Right?!
Ask King Solomon, he will give you the gist. How vain and futile it is to achieve so much and yet unsure if your successor will be foolish or wise.

So You Call Yourself a Father?!
After the boy has struggled and has through God's help made it happen for himself... Then you smile, call him and pat him on the back, introduce him to the world and say in your baritone voice "Yeah... That's my boy!"

I hope there is special cane in heaven for those fathers who bear the title but never stayed in their offices or carried out their responsibilities.

Fatherhood is...
Eternal Love
Unending Support
Provision, Protection
Foundation, Rock
Succor, Anchor
Solace, Haven
Light, Guide
Advisor, Counsellor
Dependable-ness (if there's going to be a word like that)
Integrity (promise and deliver, no game playing, no double mouths)
Uprightness and more!

I am Nuel Alabi